Trichocereus pachanoi monstrose- Non-PC San Pedro monstrose
Trichocereus pachanoi monstrose- Non-PC San Pedro monstrose
Exact plant - fully rooted cactus multiple options
Trichocereus Pachanoi monstrose ( non - pc) are fully rooted and shipped bare root / semi bare root ( unless totally dry and requested to ship in container but may be up charge ) .
Here at cactus and exotics we take a great deal of time and care into packaging and wrapping these plants safely . Heat packs are available as a separate listing which are reccomended only if your temps are below 38F for trichocereus .
Any orders placed will be shipped out on our set shipping days from Monday -Wednesday . So any orders placed Tuesday evening or later will go out the following shipping week .
Plant option: